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Alumni Association

release date :2012-08-19 12:18:00 | [ close window ] 阅读次数:次
BIT Alumni Association comprises 42 regional alumni associations (including one preparatory group) and six overseas alumni associations as follows.
6 overseas alumni associations

The Alumni Association Office serves to support and connect the alumni, increase alumni participation, and enhance the tie between the university and its alumni.
The history of the association dates back to December 9th, 1984 when 15 alumni from Yan’an Academy of Natural Sciences launched the initiative to form Yan’an Academy of Natural Sciences Alumni Association under Beijing Institute of Technology General Alumni Association. The initiative received an enthusiastic response from other alumni.
On April 20th, 1985, a preparatory group of the association was set up. In September 1985, just before the 45th anniversary of the university, six alumni associations of BIT including Yan’an Academy of Natural Sciences Alumni Association, Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Industrial Vocational School Alumni Association, North China University Engineering School Alumni Association, Huabei University Engineering School Alumni Association, Zhongfa University Alumni Association and Northeast Military Region Ordnance School Alumni Association were established, from which today’s BIT Alumni Association derives. Later several regional alumni associations were formed in Shanghai, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Wuxi, Shenyang, and etc.
On September 23th, 1985, the BIT General Alumni Association was officially established, and upon its establishment regional alumni associations took shape in succession. In November 2002, the General Alumni Association Office changed its name into BIT Alumni Association Liaison Office. In October 2008, it’s renamed as BIT Alumni Association Office.

(Translation by MTI candidates, BIT)