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Undergraduate program

release date :2012-07-08 04:05:00 | [ close window ] ViewCount:次
BIT offers 4-year undergraduate program, which is designed to foster highly qualified talents for science and technology, who are in an all-round development in morality, intellect and body with strong ability in adaptation and innovation. Disciplines in Science and Technology, as the focus of BIT, emphasize to foster research-oriented talents who are profound in fundamental knowledge, capable in practice and strong in innovation. Other disciplines emphasize particularly to foster compound talents who are concentrated on their own majors with firm fundamental theory and a background of nature science and engineering, strong in practice and innovation.

The Undergraduate Office is responsible for organizing and managing several important programs:
  • Excellent Engineering Training Program
  • Student Practice Base Development
  • Accreditation
  • Outstanding Teaching Team Competition
  • Excellent Courses Competion
  • T-more Prize
  • National Innovation Experiement Program for university students
  • Discipline Knowledge Competition
  • Double Degree program
  • Exchange student program
  • Visiting student program
  • English as Second Language(ESL)training
  • Final project or thesis
More details on the next picture.
