[09/12] The U.S. Department of energy invested in AI automation

Author:Song Yitian Source:ceep Date:2021-09-12 Views:

The U.S. Department of energy invested in AI automation, and China's major coal cities established a carbon neutralization Research Institute to help develop a "prescription" for the "double carbon" goal


Highlights of International Energy News

——US Department of energy invested US $16 million to help AI automation scientific discovery

——Hurricane IDA continues to have an impact on U.S. oil and steam supply

——Laos 500kV Pala substation is expected to be officially put into operation within this year

——South Korea established "hydrogen Council" to vigorously develop hydrogen energy industry

Highlights of Domestic Energy News

——China's major coal cities set up a carbon neutralization Research Institute to write a "prescription" to help the "double carbon" goal

——The transaction volume of green power transaction of Liaoning power grid ranks first in China

——State Grid plans to invest 620 billion yuan to build UHV smart grid within five years

——China's first self operated ultra deep water atmospheric field "deep sea No. 1" atmospheric field has been fully put into operation
