[07/25] Global carbon emissions have not yet reached its peak

Author:Siyi Wei Source:ceep Date:2021-07-25 Views:

Global carbon emissions have not yet reached its peak, and China's energy consumption in the first half of the year has increased sharply, highlighting economic vitality


Highlights of International Energy News

——International Energy Agency (IEA): The global carbon emission peak has not yet arrived

——The European Commission approves France’s 30 billion euro renewable energy incentive plan

——Japan announced a new energy draft to increase the proportion of green energy power in 2030

Highlights of Domestic Energy News

——The electricity consumption of the whole society increased by 16.2% year-on-year in the first half of the year. The strong increase in energy consumption highlights economic vitality

——The world's first anti-typhoon floating offshore wind turbine was built

——Qinghai: "Green Power" Practice Helps Achieve "Double Carbon" Goals
