[07/18] The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the leak of Japanese nuclear power plants

Author:Shitong Zhang Source:ceep Date:2021-07-18 Views:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the leak of Japanese nuclear power plants, and China’s carbon emission trading market launched on July 16 and used the power generation industry as a breakthrough.


Highlights of International Energy News

——The loopholes in Japan’s nuclear power management have once again aroused concerns from the outside world, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded

——The EU intends to initiate a "carbon tariff" in 2026, with products in carbon-intensive industries being the first to bear the brunt

——The US government launched a fast-track tool to help consumers obtain permits to install residential solar panels

—— Cummins plans to develop hydrogen fuel internal combustion engine

Highlights of Domestic Energy News

——China's carbon emission trading market launched online trading on July 16, choosing the power generation industry as a breakthrough

——The chip I independently researched and developed was used for the first time in the secondary equipment of UHV substations, breaking the foreign blockade

——The proportion of China's coal consumption is expected to drop to 51% in 2025

——China's nuclear power generation in the first half of 2021 shows year-on-year growth
