[04/18] China Italy energy transformation conference was held in Beijing

Author:Caiyun Shi Source:ceep Date:2021-04-18 Views:

China Italy energy transformation conference was held in Beijing, and the first major artery of clean energy through xiong'an was officially started


Highlights of International Energy News

——"Italy China energy transformation sustainable forum" held in Beijing

——The global grid battery storage capacity is expected to increase to 134.6gw by 2030

——Joint statement of China and the United States on the response to the climate crisis

——IEA increases global oil demand and expects to increase 5.7 million barrels a day in 2021

Highlights of Domestic Energy News

——The first major artery of clean energy through xiong'an was started

——The first fully intelligent power station in the world is put into operation

——To make the source clear and turn danger into a machine -- safety is the cornerstone of the development of energy storage industry scale

——The third China LNG Development Forum jointly hosted by new Olympic joint venture
