[10/24] Saudi Arabia holds a green initiative forum, China issued a series of policies to ensure the healthy development of energy

Author:Xiaoyu Chen Source:ceep Date:2021-10-24 Views:

Saudi Arabia holds a green initiative forum, China issued a series of policies to ensure the healthy development of energy


Highlights of International Energy News

——Saudi Arabia has set a goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2060

——Belarus plans to vigorously develop the electric vehicle market

——Japan released the sixth edition of its energy plan, renewable energy "top priority"

——Germany promotes the construction of overseas hydrogen energy projects

Highlights of Domestic Energy News

—— "Technical Specifications for Centralized Electric Bicycle Charging Facilities" will be released soon, Mammoth Travel Wang Zhenfei interprets the national standard

—— SASAC: Regarding energy supply guarantee as the main indicator for the evaluation of central enterprises this year

——The National Development and Reform Commission of China took a heavy shot, strictly investigated the speculation of thermal coal by capital, and strengthened the supervision of the linkage between futures and cash.
