International oil prices down; Carbon markets expected to trade

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-16 Views:

Review of International Energy News

International oil prices go down on Oct.28 due to the market’s expectation of a continuing increase of U.S. crude oil stocks.

The EU has voted through the proposal of reducing the rate of biofuel usage in transportation.

The New York government has started the pilot initiative of gasoline storage in case of emergency.

The five countries of Latin America, including Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Chile, have signed an agreement on networking system of regional electric power.

Review of Domestic Energy News

2013 Top 500 of global new energy enterprises has been released on this Wednesday.

The seven provinces in southern China have completed the pilot survey of shale gas.

Electric vehicles are not limited to the traffic restriction measures during the serious air pollution period.

Xie Zhenhua, the deputy director of NDRC, said the carbon markets are expected to start trading in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong by the end of this year.
