Dependence on Foreign Energy Continues to Grow; a Key Year Comes for Saving Energy and Cutting Emission

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-Weekly Review of Energy News (January 24, 2010)

Guangdong Customs take measures to ensure a faster custom clearance for imported coal.
Source: Guangdong News Net

◆The constant growth of dependence on foreign energy posed a challenge for safe energy supply.
The State Council: Moderate the imbalance of demand and supply in Coal-fired electricity by promoting imports.
China became the coal-importing country for the 1st time in 2009.
"Cold wave" heated the market for imported coal.
PetrolChina gained a 20% increase in overseas natural gas production.
The National Energy Administration: China’s dependence on foreign crude oil has increased by 51.3%.
China continues oil seeking overseas this year.
Line 2 (the western line) of West-East natural gas transmission project began to carry natural gas from middle Asia to Beijing.
Japan: Countermeasures would be taken once China initiated exploitation of oil and gas fields in the East China Sea.
International Energy Agency forecast: oil demand this year will surpass that of 2007.
7 among the 9 largest Petroleum storage sites lie in Middle East.
◆Eliminate Backward Production Capacity to Develop Low-Carbon Economy
The State Council promoted eliminating backward production in such industry as electricity.
More than 9000 certificates of renewable energy were issued.
Non-silicon cost overtook hydropower; photovoltaic power helped it out.
First nuclear power plant in Jilin started construction in 2012.
A clean development mechanism: leveraging the low-carbon economy in developing countries.
Wind power capacity in 2010 is expected to increase 10 million kilowatts.
The first carbon dioxide collecting device with the capacity of tens of thousands of tons started to run.
The Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange would set up platform for Expo voluntary emission reduction.
