Global wind power installed capacity increases significantly; About 30 percent of PM2.5 in Beijing came from other areas

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

Global Wind Energy Council predicted that the world’s new additions in wind capacity will be 47.3 million kw in 2014.

Three major banks in Japan increased its investment in renewable energy to about 390 billion yen in 2013, three times more than that in 2012.

Poland introducted a new draft of Renewable Energy Act.

Review of Domestic Energy News

According to National Development and Reform Commission, the master station of power DSM (Demand Side Management) platform will be put into operation.

After specialty analysis, Environment Protection Bureau of Beijing said that about 30 percent of PM2.5 in Beijing came from other areas.

Having been strictly tested for over one year, the first batch of new energy vehicles produced by CSR(China Southern Rail Corporation) drive in Curitiba, the capital of Parana, where Brazil World Cup is held.
