The Clean Energy Cooperation Became A New Luminescent Spot between China and the United States

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- Weekly Review of Energy News (Jan. 24th, 2011)

President Hu Visited the United States

Source: Xinhua

◆The energy cooperation between China and USA clean energy pushes the business cooperation and has broad prospects.

The block of clean energy cooperation between the United State and China remains.

At the beginning of every year, every domestic research institution will release research forecast. In the past week, about the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" energy forecast report, oil and natural gas forecast reports were released.

◆Energy research forecast report

CEEP-BIT issued the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" energy forecast report.

In 2011, China's oil demand will be 483 million tons.

China National Petroleum Corporation pepredicted that the natural gas demand of China in 2011 will be 130 billion cubic meters.

◆Climate change is not only an environmental issue, but also a developmenting issue.

The United Nations defined 2011 as the "international forest year".

Atmospheric dust content influences climate change.

The bonds issued to respond to climate change in the future will be $500 billion every year.

The 2011 working conference of National Climate Center was held.
