Britain intends to build 50 nuclear power plants,domestic carbon trading market promote the green transformation of construction industry

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

According to The Guardian network,Britain intends to build 50 nuclear power plants. This number is as ten times as the number that has been dicussed openly

According to a report of Republic of Korea’s Nuclear Safety Commission, the Republic of Korea decided to restart the Units I and II of the new Kori Nuclear Power Plant.

According to a report of Financial Times, the British National Grid plans to require companies to reduce electricity consumption at the peak electricity hours in order to meet the electricity needs of the residents.

The latest data shows that Scotland's renewable energy generating capacity has reached historic highs. Four percent of electricity is from renewable energy sources.

Fearing the U.S. Federal Reserve will further cut the size of the asset purchase, International oil prices fell sharply on the 2nd.

Review of Domestic Energy News

Domestic carbon trading market promote the green transformation of construction industry.China plans to launch carbon trading pilot in seven provinces and cities.

In the latest ten years, West-East Gas Pipeline supplyed 22 billion cubic meters gas . The needs of energy of Shanghai's economic and social development is effectively protected ,and the continuous optimization of Shanghai's energy structure is promoted.

Vigorously developing clean energy and renewable energy is an effective measure to reduce haze.
