Russia sells natural gas to Ukraine at a reduced price; National standards for motor petrol released

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

Russia will sell natural gas to Ukraine at a price of $268.5 perkilostereinstead of the current price, $400 per kilostere.

TheNo.5 and No. 6 reactors of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant have scrapped.

Australian government conditionally approved the State Grid’s application for share acquisition.

Hungary develops its carbon emissions trading to get the funds needed to finance its new energy infrastructure.

Review of Domestic Energy News

AQSIQ and SAC announced a stricter quality standard for motor petrol.

The 2014 coal trade conference has concluded, signing contracts of more than 900 million tons coal.

Medium-Term Coal Market Report,released by IEA, says that the growth of coal demand in China is likely to slow.

China announced that we obtained samples of gas hydrates for the first time in the eastern sea near the coast of Guangdong's Pearl River Mouth Basin.
