Energy demand core transferred to Asia; Natural gas shortage emerging

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

World Energy Outlook 2013, published by IEA on Nov.12, says the core of energy demand is transferred to emerging market countries, especially China, India and Middle East countries.

A preliminary report released by World Meteorological Organization (WMO) projects the trend of continuingly global warming.

The approval of a draft law on export liberalization of liquefied natural gas marks the breakdown of monopoly of Gazprom.

Tokyo Electric Power Co said the radiation intensity around the Fukushima plant tanks reached a new record peak.

Researchers of America declare that they have mapped the first high-definition image of global forest cover change since 2000.

Review of Domestic Energy News

Unconventional oil and gas industry alliance has been established in Beijing on Nov. 15.

A shortage of natural gas supply probably will arise due to the transformation of heating fuel from coal to natural gas as a responding to atmospheric pollution control.

Shale gas price reform is expected to speed up according to the bulletins of the 3rd Plenary Session of 18th CPC Central Committee.

The data from National Energy Administration indicates that the industrial electricity consumption in Oct. has increased by 8.5% year on year.

NDRC has decided to decline the domestic prices of gasoline and diesel by 160 yuan/t and 155 yuan/t respectively.
