America and France develop clean energy vigorously, China carry out special inspection for air pollution control

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

The natural science foundation part of the fifth climate change assessment report (AR5) from IPCC released, predicting that sea levels may rise up to 81cm by the end of this century.

Solar apartments, apartments with photovoltaic power generation systems, are increasing in America.

Electricite De France (EDF), one of the world's largest power producers, intended to invest 14 billion pounds to the British for new nuclear power station construction.

Russia has signed a contract with China, agreeing that Russia will increase its annual crude oil supply to China by 10 million tons.

Review of Domestic Energy News

Ministry of Environmental Protection announced the air quality condition in the third quarter for 74 cities, and seven of the ten cities with the worst air quality belong to Hebei province.

The oil and gas pipeline through Myanmar and into southwest China has completed and put into operation.

China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) announced its third quarter report, saying the decline of oil production in domestic.

Ministry of Environmental Protection decided to carry out special inspection for the control of air pollution in key areas from October 2013 to March 2014.
