Countries Aimed at Clean Energy Plan, and Policies to Promote Renewable Energy Projects

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Weekly Review of Energy News (September 5, 2011)

2011 Year's Rank First Green Building: Cherokee Studios in Los Angeles(

Countries actively promote renewable energy bill, clean energy development with remarkable results
Japan get through special measures for renewable energy bill.
Japanese enterprises speed up the development pace of alternative energy sources material.

In German, renewable energy proportion of total generating capacity is over 2 percent.

Canadian Solar supply 70 megawatts of solar modules for Germany's largest project.

Australia's first utility -scale solar photovoltaic project is under construction.

Installed capacity in French solar power increased by nearly twice a year.

The Australian Government released climate change plan , put forward a number of plans towards a clean energy future.

Singapore is committed to building a new world clean energy hub.
China's " second five" plan refinement , expansion the market of wind power solar energy and biomass
Renewable energy development goals for the next five years is clear again.
In 2015, China's biomass power generation capacity will double.
