Publication of the List of Energy-saving Policies and Four Trillion Production Value of Environmental Protection Industry is in Sight

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Weekly Review of Energy News (September 12, 2011)

Energy-saving and Emission-reduction (Source:

Energy conservation policy is expected to boost 4 trillion yuan production value in environmental protection industry
State Department released energy , emission reduction, carbon reduction policy.
"Planning for the development of energy saving products " will be introduced today.
Share of non-fossil energy consumption increased to 11.5% in "Second five"
The nation will further inhibit the development of energy-intensive industries.
Central enterprises take the opportunity to develop new energy business.
Energy industry has not put an end to high energy consumption.
International coal prices rising for three weeks policies to encourage imports maybe need to be adjusted
The international coal prices show a whole rise.
Policies to encourage imports maybe need to be adjusted.
