Iran Threat to Countries With Hormuz,The United States is Busy Lobbying

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Weekly Review of Energy News (Jan uary 16 , 2012 )

The Trip for “Black Gold”

SourcePeople's Daily OnlineTianjin Enorth Netnews

◆ Iran’s nuclear issue has been shown for the oil problem

◆ China rejected the U.S. unreasonable demands,and remains wary

◆ Japanese attitudes changed,became a strong ally
◆ To prevent sanctions, South Korea joined the ranks of the U.S.
◆ Not afraid sanctions, India will continue to purchase Iranian oil

◆ Other News

In national energy conference, local governments have formed a consensus on china’s overall plan to control total energy consumption.

With a new plan, SERC will promote electric power reform.

With the renewable energy targets for the 2011-2015 period released, new energy quota system is expected to be implemented after the Spring Festival.
