Japan negotiating trade deal on shale gas with Canada; Rosneft in giant US$ 270 billion oil deal with China

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

Japan negotiated trade deal on shale gas with Canada, hoping to establish a new partnership.

Trelleborg Marine Systems has been awarded three contracts to supply fender systems to the Queensland Curtis LNG, Gladstone

The expected quit of QE makes the international oil price sharply declined.

China becomes the largest trade partner to the U.S.A for the coal importing.

Review of Domestic Energy News

The Russian oil giant, Rosneft has agreed to a giant US$270 billion deal with China, which is solid evidence of the Kremlin’s move to refocus its hydrocarbon exports towards Asia and away from an economically weakened Europe.

Greka Drilling Ltd. has been awarded a second contract by China National Petroleum Corporation’s Huabei Oilfield Company for the Anze coal bed methane project in Shanxi, China.

NOVATEK and China National Petroleum Corp. concluded a framework agreement within the Yamal LNG project, which provides for them to take a stake in the company secure LNG supplies.
