Forecast of Global Oil Demand Decreased; CNOOC Purchased QCLNG Stake

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

Forecast of global oil demand by IEA was decreased to an average amount of 90.6 million barrels per day in 2013.

Oil consumption of the emerging economies surpassed that of the developed countries since April.

Egypt and Saudi Arabia recently announced that an interconnection between the electrical grids of the two countries would be beneficial for both nations.

Global carbon emission reached 31.6 billion tons in 2012, the highest of history.

Review of Domestic Energy News

China hopes to increase the ratio between natural gas consumption and total energy consumption from 5.7% to 10% by 2020, but are highly concerned with the difficulty in exploration.

CNOOC and BG Group sign agreements for new LNG supply and purchase of QCLNG stake.

CNPC and Ecuadorian authorities signed a framework agreement on integrated upstream-downstream cooperation, from which CNPC will take a share in the construction of the Pacific Refinery project, and participate in the exploration and development of Ecuador’s upstream resources.
