North America’s energy revolution will impact the global market; Central enterprises invest in Fujian coastal region for energy base construction

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

According to the medium term oil market report released by IEA on May 14, North America’s energy revolution, meaning the soar of oil production, will significantly impact the global energy market.

During Vietnamese prime minister’s visit to Russia, energy enterprises of Russia and Vietnam have signed a series of energy cooperation documents.

Under the background of the overall economic downturn in Finland, clean-technology industry is growing rapidly and has become the second largest pillar industry.

European Union (EU) threatened to impose fines on airlines of China and India for refusing payment for carbon emissions inside EU.

Review of Domestic Energy News

The smooth running of solar power system in a house of Hainan Province for 14 days marked the success of photovoltaic grid-connected systems.

Central enterprises have invested 439.1 billion yuan in Fujiancoastal region for energy base construction.

On May 13, Shanxi Provincial Guoxin Energy Development Group signed strategic cooperation agreement with PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company in Taiyuan.

Kumul, one of the seven wind areas, has planned to build the largest wind power development base in Sinkiang this year.

According toPlan for the Development of New-Energy Automobile Industry in Guangdong (2013-2020), 57.3 billion yuan will be invested to boost new-energy automobile industry in the locality.
