Falling of international oil prices for the second straight week; Implementing of gas engineering in Sinkiang

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

According to the data released by OPEC on April 29, the international oil price was $98.96 per barrel on average, falling for the second straight week.

On April 29, more than 1000 representatives from over 175 countries and regions got together in in Bonn, Germany, to start the substantive negotiations on a new agreement of UN on climate change

Some researchers in US assert that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will reach over 400 ppm on daily average in early May this year, the maximum value since 3 million years ago.

Review of Domestic Energy News

Sinkiang starts to implement the gas engineering this year, aiming to realize the popularization of the urban gas by the end of 2017.

Administration Bureau of Bohai Oilfield, CNOOC, has been established recently in Tianjin.

National Energy Administration has started researches on 18 significant strategic issues.

According to foreign media reports, a power plant, which can get energy from the oceanic temperature differences, is planned to be built in China.
