UK Government Invested 1 Billion Pounds on Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies

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Weekly Review of Energy News (April 9, 2012)

Carbon Emissions Reduction (Source:

◆On April 3, Energy and Climate Change Department of UK announced that the government formulated a series of new plans to encourage the development of carbon capture and storage technologies (CCS), including 1 billion pounds investment to promote the commercialization of CCS technologies.

◆On April 4, hosted by Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York, Energy Development Summit was held in Columbia University, discussing the challenges of new energy development, including how to meet future electricity needs while protecting environment and creating new jobs in New York.

◆During the “12th Five-Year” period, the Ministry of Land and Resources and other related departments will develop policies and regulations to support the development of new resources industry clusters.

◆“A package of energy planning will be launched” Tie-Nan Liu, Director of National Energy Administration said on the International Aviation Oil Conference on April 5.
