International Oil Price Dying off; China’s Clean Energy Investment Ranks First

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

The International oil price has been keeping descending since April.

Gazprom NEFT, Russia’s fifth-largest oil producer, has signed a memorandum of understanding with the National Iranian Oil Co (NIOC) TO study the development of two Iranian oil fields.

The 2ndGlobal Energy Forum themed “Clean Energy & Sustainable Development” was held on 15 April, in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

Greenhouse gases emissions in the United States decreased by 1.6%, in particular, the nuclear power stations accounts for almost one third of them.

Review of Domestic Energy News

China’s investment in the clean energy in 2012 ranked first over the world.

China has developed new policy to support PV industry which stay bearing big losses in recent period.

The Second Report of Global Climate Legislation Research was released by NCDR on 18th, April.
