U.S.A Realize Energy Self-supply; China Rely More on Oil Import

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

U.S.A would achieve the situation of energy self-supply by 2030 thanks to the expanding utilization of unconventional oil and natural gas, according to the forecast by BP

Japan explores the rare earth, which is ten times as much as China has.

Austria passed the Energy Efficiency Bill in which 300 million euro would be invested to guarantee an annual 1.4% increase in energy efficiency.

Review of Domestic Energy News

China would become the largest oil importing country all over the world in 2014 due to the rising demand for oil with a rough estimate of 60% share of import.

State Grid, Jimo Branch Corp. invested 469 million RMB for 110kV transformer substation in order for a sufficient supply of electricity for Jimo City, Shandong Province.

The new oil pricing system in which pricing period is shortened within 10 working days and the volatility limitation of 4% is cancelled, adds more difficulties to the precise forecast of oil price.
