Domestic Oil Price May Decline; Oil Futures May Experience Reform

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

    International crude oil Price has been decreasing (Source:Oil

    As the international oil price has been decreasing since April, with a high probability to continue in May, domestic oil price may follow the same situation. Yet the decline will probably be limited, within RMB300 per ton predicted, for the reason that the international price still stays high, though has a trend to fall.

    About the reform scheme of refined oil price, it is said by Mr. Peng Sen, former deputy director of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) that, China has made the decision to change the current pricing mechanism to a new completely market-oriented one.

    It happened that a draft proposal for crude oil futures nearly finished, launched by Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE), is characterized by three principles which reveal the essence of this proposal. In detail, it allows international investors to participate, and taxes-free.

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