Coal consumption still occupies the dominant position, new policy on natural gas comes into operation

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

Yingli Green Energy has won the contract on supplying PV modules to Centinela solar facilities projects of Imperial County, California.

Tesla Roadster, the world’s first production BEV (all-electric) developed by QSTec and Solarworld, appears in Qatar Sustainable development Expo (QSE).

BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy indicates that it is the traditional energy coal instead of nuclear energy or renewable energy such as solar and wind energy will occupy the dominant position in energy consumption by 2030.

As figures released by Iraqi Oil Ministry show, the total revenue of the first eleven months from oil sales reaches $86.475 billion, which has already surpassed last year’s total revenue $82.9 billion.

Turkey is planning to increase the gas imports from Russian, and cooperate in the construction of nuclear power plants.

Review of Domestic Energy News

Recently, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Ningxia and other western areas intensively approved a number of new energy projects, which is an obvious sign to speed up new energy construction in western China.

NDRC issued a document to support the enterprises to actively promote the construction of energy management system.

Shanxi province invested $6.9 billion to improve the electricity network construction in 2012.

Pan Yue, vice minister ofMinistry of Environmental Protection, points out that China’s environmental situation is still grim in the Ninth "Earth Award" awards ceremony in 2012.

The new policy “Natural Gas Utilization Policy” comes into operation, which will clear the obstacles for natural gas for power generation and predict a period of rapid development in natural gas.
