International Oil Price Declined due to Hurricane “Sandy”

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

International oil price declined on October 29thaffected by the hurricane “Sandy”.

The Russian oil company will purchase TNK-BP as scheduled.

The Commerce Department announced anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations on the solar polysilicon imported from EU on November 1st.

Review of Domestic Energy News

CNOOC signed LNG project framework agreement with British Gas Group.

Oil production in China raised to 203 million tons in 2011, ranking 4thin the world.

Two waste-to-energy CDM projects were successfully registered in Hebei Province in China, which will bring emission reduction benefit of 12 million yuan.

4th China (Wuxi) International New Energy Congress opened on Nov 1st.

The world's highest UHV big leap tower successfully capped on Oct 28th.
