Russian Oil Purchased TNK-BP

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

Russian oil firms purchased TNK-BP at $55 billion.

Uganda recovered co-owned exploration blocks from China, France and Britain.

International Energy Agency recently released report of the medium-term forecast of the international crude oil market. The report shows that the international oil demand growth will be slow and the prices may fall in the next five years, due to the global economic downturn and the oil supply growth.

Review of Domestic Energy News

The second round of the China's shale gas prospecting and the bid opening was held in Beijing on October 25th.

Rich oil and gas resources was found in Aksu Wensu Xinjiang preliminary, marking a big breakthrough in the oil and gas exploration in Wensu County.

SERC monitoring data shows that China's clean energy power generation is 100 billion kwh, with an increase of 43% compared with that in September.

Information Office of the State Council released theWhite Paper on China's Energy Policy (2012)on October 24th.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a State Council executive meeting to discuss the "12th Five-Year Plan" on energy development and adopt thenuclear safety plan (2011-2020)andlong-term plan on nuclear power development (2011-2020)on October 24th.
