Exxon Mobil Purchases Canadian Celtic Petroleum at $3.1 Billion

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

Exxon Mobil purchases Canadian Celtic Petroleum at $3.1 billion.

IEA forecasts that Iraqi crude oil output will be doubled in 2020.

The International Energy Agency predicts that oil prices will continue to decline in the next five years.

British Petroleum is intended to sell TNK-BP stake at $25 billion.

Review of Domestic Energy News

National power generation growth showed a stabilization of the upward trend ever since September.

China's first case of wind power and thermal power alternative transaction was completed in the northeast part of China.

The total electricity consumption was raised by 4.8% in the first three quarters this year.

China will fully completed national radiation environment monitoring system by 2020.

Sinopec India Batam crude oil and oil storage project was officially launched on October 10th.
