The International Oil Prices Touched Sensitive Line

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

- Weekly Review of Energy News (February 28, 2011)

The International Crude Oil Price Changed
Resource: international energy nets

◆Reason of oil prices rising: the great Middle East upheavals

◆Effect of oil prices rising: some glad while others sorrowed

The domestic oil price increased for the year and Beijing research turned up the start price of rental cars.

High oil prices increased domestic enterprise cost pressure and the industrial structure adjustment showed more urgent.

Oil prices rising is expected to cause Hype shower.

◆Parties view: will it causing "oil crisis"?

IEA: Preparing to release emergency oil reserves.

Saudi oil minister: The oil market supply and demand is in balance now.

Japan Nomura bank: Oil prices will reach to 220 dollars a barrel.

Goldman Sachs: If the crisis of Libya spreads, oil prices will hit a record high.
