Three Major Markets Attack Photovoltaic in China

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

Three major markets attack photovoltaic in China.

Due to the escalation of tensions between Turkey and Syria, international oil prices rose on October 11th. Brent oil prices exceeded $115 per barrel.

The second annual meeting of the Global Green Growth Forum opened in Copenhagen on October 8th.

Review of Domestic Energy News

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region will build four hundred million ton coal bases.

Petro China will layout project of natural gas deep processing in southern Xinjiang.

Ministry of Land and Resources issued the imagination of “two steps” to explore shale gas.

Jiangxi contemplated purchasing and storage copper tungsten, rare earth and other resources products.

The largest landfill gas power generation project in Asiasynchronized and closed on October 10th.
