International Oil Price Raised 10%;All Parties Taking Countermeasures

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Both international and domestic oil price raised(Resource: Sohu. com, chinanews. com)

Hurricane Isaac makes the oil price even higher.

Group of Sevenfinance ministers appeal to increase oil production to cut down oil price.

TheWhite House may release their oil reserve to suppress oil price.

The International EnergyAgency(IEA) deny that oil reserve will be released.

Domestic oil price raised according to the situation.

1. Refined oil pricefluctuate a lot

2. Jetkeroseneprices will increase in September

3.Commercial Aircraft Corporation ofChina and Boeing Corporation cooperate to change illegal cooking oil into aviation fuel to drop the high cost caused by high oil price

Other news

1. Ourphotovoltaics that are in trouble can see their hope now.

2. China National Offshore Oil Corporation open theirOil and gas cooperation blocks again.

3. Exploitation of Romania shale gas triggered controversy.

4. Canadian government reviewed China offshore oil corporation acquisition Nix case.
