Oil Market is Oversupplied; International Oil Price will Fall

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

International oil price will drop(Source: People's Daily Online)

Three causes for the fall of international oil price in the second half of the year are as follows.

1)Slow growth of global economy, especially the western economies, restricts growth of crude oil demand.

2)Negative factor caused by crude-oilexports sanctions lifted by western relieves further.

3)Oversupply of global crude oil market is becoming evident.

Demand and supply of domestic refined oil is balanced basically, the market is weakening over all.

1)Refined oil market is balanced generally. 1)

2)Demand of gasoline increases steadily.

3)Demand of diesel will grow seasonally in the third and forth quarters.

Other news

1)European solar companies declare “war” to China.

2)According to German media, European solar companies accused China of dumping to the European Commission, calling for punitive heavy taxation to stem the tide of bankrupt.

3)The energy structure is optimized again; percentage of clean energy increased to 16.9% in the first half of the year.

4)China is changing from an electricity big country to a electricity power country, and our electricity production is the highest in the world now.
