Energy Saving and Emission Reduction 12th FY Plan Issued at SCSC

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Energy Saving and Emission Reduction 12thFY Plan was issued at the Standing Committee of the State Council. The plan made it clear that there would be new mechanisms and four detailed measurements aimed at the improvements of energy using because the current situation of energy savings in China is not as good as expected.

During the year from 2011 to 2015, which is on the 12thFY Plan, China will be trying hard to do the following things: change the industry structure, improve the energy efficiency, carry on emission reduction from the main pollutants and enhance the awareness of the public for energy conservation.

Other news:

1)The total production of the energy saving industry has reached 4.5 trillion RMB.

2)Oil prices dropped since July 11th, prices for gasoline decreased by 420 RMB per ton, diesel fuel 400 RMB per ton, which equals that after this drop, the average national retailing price for 90# gasoline is 6.45 yuan per liter, and 0# diesel fuel is 6.76 yuan per liter

3)Global power generating by the renewable energy during 2011 to 2017 will increase by over 60% compare with that during 2005 to 2011.
