Trough has not come yet; Coal price keeps falling

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Serious debate about whether the economy in China hits the troughor not has been on. Some experts state that current situation in China will be worse than expected, however, some are much more optimistic.

Coal market in China has been essentially influenced by the global financial crisis. It seems that the downturn now is much alike what it was in 2008, but in fact, is different. First, the potential growth rate is inevitably limited. Second, high profits before the crisis in coal industry have twisted the normal growing path, which lay the foundation of today’s turndown.

Other news:

1)All members in EU will be banned from importing oil from Iran since next month.

2)America announced the exemption of financial sanctions on China.

3)European thermal coal demand largely drives U.S. coal export market.
