Refined Oil Price May be Cut for the Third Time in Early July

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

- Weekly Review of Energy News (June 25, 2012)

Movements of oil prices
(Source: Eastern Wealth Net)

◆Refined oil price may be cut for the third time in early July.

◆Economic slowdown may inhibit demand for crude oil, EIA said.

◆BP said that the share of coal in total energy consumption has been risen to a new high.

◆Ministry of Science and Technology has given more policy support on biomass energy.

◆The Turkish Constitutional Court decided to support the construction of nuclear power plants.

◆China will push forward tiered pricing for electricity on July 1st.

◆Swedish power company will increase investment on wind power in Europe.

◆The 12th Five-Year Plan on Nuclear Safety was promulgated, including policies promoting the construction of 26 nuclear power plants.
