National Energy Administration Launched A Serious of Plans, Aiming to Restart Nuclear Power Approval

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

◆ National Energy Administration of China launched a serious of plans in recent days, aiming to restart nuclear power approval.

◆ India will become the world's second largest coal-consuming country instead of the United States.

◆ Coal exportation from the United States has reached a new high point within nearly 30 years, U.S. statistics department disclosed.

◆ Global demand for natural gas might be increased by 50% until 2035, IEA declared.

◆ 13 projects of wind power issues have been included in the first branch of national energy research projects this year.

◆ China will push forward tiered pricing for electricity, but many areas have not yet developed an implementation schedule.

◆ New energy vehicles will not be set purchase or traffic restriction.
