Shale gas development in Europe is blocked; SunTech Power filed bankruptcy

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

Europe has not been ready to develop shale gaswhile it will probably change the world energy structure.

American Petroleum Institute (API) reported on this Thursday that America’s crude oil imports dropped to 7.8 million barrels, a 16-year low, in February.

Cheng Guoping, the Deputy Foreign Minister of China, revealed that the east gas pipeline project between China and Russia had been made breakthroughs.

Researchers in Tomsk Polytechnic University of Russia announced that they, cooperating with Chinese fellows, have developed a novel method to extract shale gas and shale oil more cheaply and more environmentally friendly.

Review of Domestic Energy News

The 13thChina International Petroleum and Petrochemical technological Equipment Exhibition (CIPPE) opened on March 19.

On March 21, PetroChina Co. published its performance in 2012, showing that its net profit in 2012 reached 115.326 billion Yuan, down 13.3% year-on-year.

SunTech Power in Wuxi, once the world’s largest photovoltaic module maker, filed bankruptcy on March 18.

Domestic oil prices will probably fall next week as international oil prices have kept the trend of decline.

It is reported that the fact that the imports of coal have consistently risen in 2013 leads to the depression of domestic coal market.
