The American shale oil technology is changing energy supply map; China is becoming the largest energy producer

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

According to a report of OEPC, technology extracting oil and gas from shale is significantly impacting on the global energy supply pattern.

According to Reuters Financial Network, European oil demand declined in the past five years, hitting the lowest in 20 years.

Russia’s “Asia-Europe oil and gas” reportedthat Russia might have 680 trillion cubic meters of unconventional gas resources.

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) will discuss and draft a new“energy roadmap”to increase the proportion of renewable energy in the overall energy consumption in the word.

Review of Domestic Energy News

The latest data released by the National Energy Administration show that China has become the largest energy producer till the end of 2012.

The 2013 national energy working conference put forward that the energy working focus this year is to develop shale gas and photovoltaic.

China's offshore wind turbine successfully enter into the "6.0" era.

In 2012, Sinopec's oil and gas proved reserves for the first time exceeded 800 million tons of oil equivalent.

The domestic LPG market price generally increased by 200-300 yuan per ton at the beginning of this year.
