The UK objects to the renewable energy target in 2030 set by EU; China’s cleaning technology of solar panel fills in gaps

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

The UK tends to object to the renewable energy target in 2030 set by EU while the government is planning to enhance the status of nuclear power.

Despite of continued decline of Brent oil prices, crude oil prices in NYMEX gained for fourth day in a row on March 12.

According to the report of Deloitte & Touche, wind power industry has the potential to stimulate economic growth in Belgium.

In Indonesia coal export quotation will probably be changed to CIF instead of FOB.

Japan and India are trying to extract natural gas from gas hydrate, indicating that gas hydrate will be the hot spot of new energy research.

Review of Domestic Energy News

An enterprise in Shandong has successfully developed cleaning technology of solar panel, filling in gaps in that field.

Chinese Wind Energy Association issued a report on China’s wind power installed capacity in 2012.

Pilot projects of carbon emissions trading in seven provinces and cities are set to launch soon.

Vietnam’s first green hydropower station has been built by China Energy Engineering Group Co., Ltd.

It is expected to reach fifty million tons of oil-gas valent weight this year in Changqing Oil Field, PetroChina Company Limited.
