Cooperate intention on natural gas between China and Russia is strengthened; Over a thousand coal mines of China are expected to be closed in 2013

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

According to RIA Novosti’s report, Cooperate intention on natural gas between China and Russia is strengthened and a long-term contract is expected to be signed at the end of the year.

Recently a paper on The Economist discussed the natural gas issues of Cyprus, holding the view that some advantages would be added on Cyprus’s negotiations if Aphrodite gas field developed.

Due to the better-than-expected data of economic growth, international oil prices continually increased on March, 28.

One UK's energy and climate secretary announced that a new nuclear power station has been approved to build recently.

The coal demand of European countries is on the rise due to the coal’s lower price while the production and the use of coal in US keep consecutive decline.

Review of Domestic Energy News

One notice issued by the National Energy Administration and the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety said that over a thousand coal mines of China are expected to be closed in 2013.

An analyst expressed that pricing benchmark of China’s crude oil market has a chance to be adjusted.

The energy price reform is expected to be accelerated to optimize the allocation of resources.

The National Development and Reform Commission gave notice on March 26 that since March 27 the maximum retail prices of gasoline and diesel would lower 310 Yuan per ton and 310 Yuan per ton, respectively.

Five thousand buses and taxis consuming natural gas will come into service this year in Beijing owing to the cheaper price of natural gas.
