Energy Independence brings about positive effects on economic resurgence of America; an extended subsidy policy on new energy automobile will come

Author: Source: Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Review of International Energy News

Energy Independence, as a result of the energy supply and demand transformation, technological progress and energy policy guidance, has had positive effects on economic resurgence of America.

On May 22, the international oil prices slumped on account of rising crude oil inventories.

The world’s largest hydroelectric project built in Congo, Grand Inga Hydroelectric Project, will start in October, 2015, benefiting surrounding areas.

EU voted on the proposal of taxation on China’s PV products on May 24, indicating an inevitable trade war between China and EU.

Review of Domestic Energy News

On May 20, the environmental news TOP 10 of world and China were published in Nairobi, Kenya, the headquarters of UNEP.

China’s imported coal rose to 110 million tons from January to April, 2013, with year-on-year growth of 25.6%.

The news that an extended subsidy policy on new energy automobile will come render the auto stocks a favorable movement.

According to the NDRC, the domestic oil prices will remain unchanged as the average prices of this period increased less than 50 yuan per ton.

The National Energy Administration has made the decision to cancel and transfer approval on items of energy field.
