[06/08]The world largest solar-powered plane took its maiden flight on June 2rd; China has overtaken Germany as the world’s largest photovoltaic market

Author:Hao Chen Source:ceep Date:2014-07-17 Views:

Weekly Review of Energy News
The world largest solar-powered plane took its maiden flight on June 2rd; China has overtaken Germany as the world’s largest photovoltaic market
Review of International Energy News

◆ The Solar Impulse 2, a solar-powered plane, took its maiden flight on June 2rd, taking off from Payerne Airfield in Switzerland and Landing two hours later.
◆ According to the assessment of Portugal’s EDP, wind power has been the cheapest power compared with fossil fuel, hydro and nuclear power.
◆ US government announced the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Plan, which will seek to cut CO2 emissions from around 1600 power plants by 30% by 2030.
Review of Domestic Energy News
◆ According to the 2014 Global New Energy Develop Report delivered on June 7th in Beijing, China has overtaken Germany as the world’s largest photovoltaic market.
◆ Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is taking measures to promote “coal shift to gas” project, which may create hundred of billions of investment demand.
◆ According to National Energy Administration, NEA has asigned an Assignment Book for Air Pollution Control and Power Transmission Channel Construction to promote the construction of 12 power transmission channels with State Grid Corporation of China and China Southern Power Grid.