[08/10]OPEC:There will be an increase demand for oil all over the world in 2015; The first domestic oil-gas transportation project has been implemented successfully

Author:Ye Ma Source:ceep Date:2014-08-11 Views:

OPEC:There will be an increase demand for oil all over the world in 2015; The first domestic oil-gas transportation project has been implemented successfully


Review of International Energy News

——OPEC:There will be an increase demand for oil all over the world in 2015
——The revenue of Solar industry will be up to $ 137.02 billion in 2020, predicted by Frost & Sullivan’s report
——The amount of American imported coal plummeted comparing with last year
——The Bill (amendments) of renewable energy has been formally entered into force in Germany

Review of Domestic Energy News
——The first domestic oil-gas transportation project has been implemented successfully
——General urban air quality of 74 domestic cities has been improved In the first half 2014
——The first domestic demonstration project of isolated ocean power system has been accepted successfully
——The strictest energy management requirements has been formally entered into force in Beijing,
  calling for 80% of banning fireworks area