[08/24]Prices of the US crude oil futures have been falling for five weeks; Solar power plants are facing “water crisis” in western China

Author:Yi-Xuan Gao Source:ceep Date:2014-08-25 Views:

Prices of the US crude oil futures have been falling for five weeks; Solar power plants are facing “water crisis” in western China


Review of International Energy News

——Prices of the US crude oil futures have been falling for five weeks mainly because of the ample supply.
——The US economic turnaround will increase the prospect of crude oil demand which may push the global oil prices.
——According to IEA, the biggest risk factor of oil market is from geopolitics, as a result of which, the actual demand of oil may be less than the prospection.

Review of Domestic Energy News

——Solar power plants are facing “water crisis” in western China for they have huge demands for water do the cleaning.
——The distributed PV power generation capacity that was integrated to Shandong power grid has exceeded 10 Gigawatts.
——China and Mongolia have signed a joint declaration, promoting the cooperation of energy industry between them.
