[09/14]China and Russia will build a large ice-free port in Northeast Asia; The EIS of the Baihetan Dam in China has been received

Author:Jing Tian Source:ceep Date:2014-09-15 Views:

China and Russia will build a large ice-free port in Northeast Asia; The EIS of the Baihetan Dam in China has been received

(2014/09 /08-2014/09/14)

Review of International Energy News
——China and Russia will build a large ice-free port in Northeast Asia to help Jilin, a province of China, to carry out the strategy for leaving ports by sea.
——European will slap new economic sanctions on Russia since September 8, 2014, beginning to target three sate-owned oil companies in Russia.
——IEA has continued tightening its prospects of the growth of global oil crude demand from July to September in 2014

Review of Domestic Energy News
——The Environment Impact Statement (EIS) of the Baihetan dam, the second largest hydroelectric dam in China, has been received with more than 100 million for the investment.
——Catalogue of encouraged industries in Western China issued by National Development and Reform Commission did not take coal chemical industries into consideration in September 11, 2014.
——According to Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in August new energy vehicle production in China totaled 5191 units, up 11 times from July in 2014.
——Since 2011, 8 oil fields with million tons and 6 gas fields with billion cubic meters have been discovered in China.