[11/02]Excess supply of global oil caused the declining oil price; The State Councilfavored the working leading group to secureoil-gas pipeline

Author:Jing Tian Source:ceep Date:2014-11-03 Views:

Excess supply of global oil caused the declining oil price;The State Councilfavored the working leading group to secureoil-gas pipeline


Review of International Energy News
——The accumulated declining rate (20%) in crude oil pricesince June has been caused by the fact that global oilsupply has surpassedits oil demand for these months.
——Demark has burned rubbish (e.g.non-toxic food, wood and plastic) imported from UK and other European countries for heating supply and to provide electric power for residents in Demark
——Stem, one American company, will use $0.935 million funded by Department of Energy in America to explore the automatic control technology of distributed type storage system.
——The Sendai Nuclear Power Plant in Japan wasapproved forrestartingto change the statewhen Japanese have lived without nuclearfor one year on 28th, October.

Review of Domestic Energy News
——The State Council decided to establish the work leading group for rectifying the security risks of oil and gas pipeline on 30th, October.
——China will control the total amount of coal, optimize the layout of coal industries and manage the production capacity of coal industriesaccording to National Energy Administration on 30th, October.
——Two basesfor PV and wind power whose capacity reach one million kilowatt-hourswill be constructed in Ningxia with aninvestment of 30 billion yuan.
——The total net profit of CNPCwas 96 billion yuanin the first three quarters this year with a 8 percent increase from the same period last year.
