[11/24] International Energy Agency: 2015, oil prices continue to fall; Policy support for clean energy will bring the first benefits to shale gas and nuclear power

Author:Ye Ma Source:ceep Date:2014-11-24 Views:

International Energy Agency: 2015, oil prices continue to fall; Policy support for clean energy will bring the first benefits to shale gas and nuclear power

Review of International Energy News
——International Energy Agency: 2015, oil prices continue to fall
——World oil prices is tumbling while Indonesia's oil price surging
——China and Myanmar signed memorandum of expanded cooperation of oil and gas fields
——Russia will construct the first nuclear power plants for Viet Nam

Review of Domestic Energy News
——Policy support for clean energy will bring the first benefits to shale gas and nuclear power
——There is a breakthrough of shale gas and coal-bed gas technologies
——A company of unconventional resources development was set up by Sinopec and the US shale gas company
——China has become the world leader in nuclear power construction market