[12/01]Russian oil companies claimed that oil prices of next year is likely to fall below to 60 dollars;biomass energy has a broad prospects in China

Author:Ye Ma Source:ceep Date:2014-12-02 Views:

Russian oil companies claimed that oil prices of next year is likely to fall below to 60 dollars; biomass energy has a broad prospects in China


Review of International Energy News
——Russian oil companies claimed that oil prices of next year is likely to fall below t0 60 dollars.
——Annual losses caused by falling oil prices in Russia is nearly up to billions.
——redundancy of Canadian oil industry will be caused by the oil prize falling.
——the compounded annual growth of Indian smart electricity grid market is up to 16.4% in 2014-2018

Review of Domestic Energy News
——biomass energy has a broad prospects in China
——CNPC plans to sell 35% stake of two oil fields in order to attract private investment
——95% per cent of taxis in Changsha use natural gas as the main fuel
